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🚀 Crypto [Pro Signal] Nimiq Price Prediction



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Nimiq is a decentralized payment protocol aimed to attract people who are tired of complicated schemes but like something user-friendly and easy-to-use. Nimiq team has succeeded in creating a truly unique payment solution with NIM coin cryptocurrency in its core.

This summer, the Nimiq coin rate bounced by 13x. What caused such a boom, and how’s NIM coin performing now? Let’s answer the questions about the present and future of Nimiq cryptocurrency right in this piece.

Nimiq Overview​

Nimiq Statistics
Nimiq Price
Nimiq Price Change 24h
Nimiq Price Change 7d
Nimiq Market cap
Nimiq Circulating Supply
10,448,026,768 NIM
Nimiq Trading Volume
Nimiq All time high
Nimiq All time low
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Nimiq Prediction Table​

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum PricePotential ROI
February$0.0013 $0.0014 $0.0015
March$0.0014 $0.0015 $0.0015
April$0.0014 $0.0015 $0.0016
May$0.0015 $0.0015 $0.0017
June$0.0015 $0.0016 $0.0017
July$0.0016 $0.0016 $0.0018
August$0.0016 $0.0017 $0.0019
September$0.0016 $0.0017 $0.0019
October$0.0017 $0.0017 $0.0020
November$0.0017 $0.0018 $0.0021
December$0.0018 $0.0018 $0.0022
All Time$0.00155 $0.00162 $0.00181

Choose a year

Nimiq Historical​

Nimiq Price Prediction 2024

According to the technical analysis of Nimiq prices expected in 2024, the minimum cost of Nimiq will be $$0.0018. The maximum level that the NIM price can reach is $$0.0022. The average trading price is expected around $$0.0018.

Potential ROI: 46.7%

NIM Price Forecast for February 2024

Based on the price fluctuations of Nimiq at the beginning of 2023, crypto experts expect the average NIM rate of $$0.0014 in February 2024. Its minimum and maximum prices can be expected at $$0.0013 and at $$0.0015, respectively.

Potential ROI: 0%

March 2024: Nimiq Price Forecast

Cryptocurrency experts are ready to announce their forecast for the NIM price in March 2024. The minimum trading cost might be $$0.0014, while the maximum might reach $$0.0015 during this month. On average, it is expected that the value of Nimiq might be around $$0.0015.

Potential ROI: 0%

NIM Price Forecast for April 2024

Crypto analysts have checked the price fluctuations of Nimiq in 2023 and in previous years, so the average NIM rate they predict might be around $$0.0015 in April 2024. It can drop to $$0.0014 as a minimum. The maximum value might be $$0.0016.

Potential ROI: 6.7%

May 2024: Nimiq Price Forecast

In the middle of the year 2023, the NIM price will be traded at $$0.0015 on average. May 2024 might also witness an increase in the Nimiq value to $$0.0017. It is assumed that the price will not drop lower than $$0.0015 in May 2024.

Potential ROI: 13.3%

NIM Price Forecast for June 2024

Crypto experts have analyzed Nimiq prices in 2023, so they are ready to provide their estimated trading average for June 2024 — $$0.0016. The lowest and peak NIM rates might be $$0.0015 and $$0.0017.

Potential ROI: 13.3%

July 2024: Nimiq Price Forecast

Crypto analysts expect that at the end of summer 2023, the NIM price will be around $$0.0016. In July 2024, the Nimiq cost may drop to a minimum of $$0.0016. The expected peak value might be $$0.0018 in July 2024.

Potential ROI: 20%

NIM Price Forecast for August 2024

Having analyzed Nimiq prices, cryptocurrency experts expect that the NIM rate might reach a maximum of $$0.0019 in August 2024. It might, however, drop to $$0.0016. For August 2024, the forecasted average of Nimiq is nearly $$0.0017.

Potential ROI: 26.7%

September 2024: Nimiq Price Forecast

In the middle of autumn 2023, the Nimiq cost will be traded at the average level of $$0.0017. Crypto analysts expect that in September 2024, the NIM price might fluctuate between $$0.0016 and $$0.0019.

Potential ROI: 26.7%

NIM Price Forecast for October 2024

Market experts expect that in October 2024, the Nimiq value will not drop below a minimum of $$0.0017. The maximum peak expected this month is $$0.0020. The estimated average trading value will be at the level of $$0.0017.

Potential ROI: 33.3%

November 2024: Nimiq Price Forecast

Cryptocurrency experts have carefully analyzed the range of NIM prices throughout 2023. For November 2024, their forecast is the following: the maximum trading value of Nimiq will be around $$0.0021, with a possibility of dropping to a minimum of $$0.0017. In November 2024, the average cost will be $$0.0018.

Potential ROI: 40%

NIM Price Forecast for December 2024

Market analysts predict that Nimiq will not fall below $$0.0018 in December 2024, with a chance of peaking at $$0.0022 in the same month. The average trading value is expected to be $$0.0018.

Potential ROI: 46.7%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2025

After the analysis of the prices of Nimiq in previous years, it is assumed that in 2025, the minimum price of Nimiq will be around $$0.0025. The maximum expected NIM price may be around $$0.0031. On average, the trading price might be $$0.0026 in 2025.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2025$0.00186$0.00187$0.00228
February 2025$0.00192$0.00193$0.00235
March 2025$0.00198$0.00200$0.00243
April 2025$0.00203$0.00207$0.00250
May 2025$0.00209$0.00213$0.00258
June 2025$0.00215$0.00220$0.00265
July 2025$0.00221$0.00227$0.00273
August 2025$0.00227$0.00233$0.00280
September 2025$0.00233$0.00240$0.00288
October 2025$0.00238$0.00247$0.00295
November 2025$0.00244$0.00253$0.00303
December 2025$0.00250$0.00260$0.00310

Potential ROI: 106.7%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2026

Based on the technical analysis by cryptocurrency experts regarding the prices of Nimiq, in 2026, NIM is expected to have the following minimum and maximum prices: about $$0.0038 and $$0.0044, respectively. The average expected trading cost is $$0.0039.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2026$0.00261$0.00271$0.00321
February 2026$0.00272$0.00282$0.00332
March 2026$0.00283$0.00293$0.00343
April 2026$0.00293$0.00303$0.00353
May 2026$0.00304$0.00314$0.00364
June 2026$0.00315$0.00325$0.00375
July 2026$0.00326$0.00336$0.00386
August 2026$0.00337$0.00347$0.00397
September 2026$0.00348$0.00358$0.00408
October 2026$0.00358$0.00368$0.00418
November 2026$0.00369$0.00379$0.00429
December 2026$0.00380$0.00390$0.00440

Potential ROI: 193.3%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2027

The experts in the field of cryptocurrency have analyzed the prices of Nimiq and their fluctuations during the previous years. It is assumed that in 2027, the minimum NIM price might drop to $$0.0055, while its maximum can reach $$0.0066. On average, the trading cost will be around $$0.0057.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2027$0.00394$0.00405$0.00458
February 2027$0.00408$0.00420$0.00477
March 2027$0.00423$0.00435$0.00495
April 2027$0.00437$0.00450$0.00513
May 2027$0.00451$0.00465$0.00532
June 2027$0.00465$0.00480$0.00550
July 2027$0.00479$0.00495$0.00568
August 2027$0.00493$0.00510$0.00587
September 2027$0.00508$0.00525$0.00605
October 2027$0.00522$0.00540$0.00623
November 2027$0.00536$0.00555$0.00642
December 2027$0.00550$0.00570$0.00660

Potential ROI: 340%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2028

Based on the analysis of the costs of Nimiq by crypto experts, the following maximum and minimum NIM prices are expected in 2028: $$0.0097 and $$0.0081. On average, it will be traded at $$0.0084.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2028$0.00572$0.00593$0.00686
February 2028$0.00593$0.00615$0.00712
March 2028$0.00615$0.00638$0.00738
April 2028$0.00637$0.00660$0.00763
May 2028$0.00658$0.00683$0.00789
June 2028$0.00680$0.00705$0.00815
July 2028$0.00702$0.00728$0.00841
August 2028$0.00723$0.00750$0.00867
September 2028$0.00745$0.00773$0.00893
October 2028$0.00767$0.00795$0.00918
November 2028$0.00788$0.00818$0.00944
December 2028$0.00810$0.00840$0.00970

Potential ROI: 546.7%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2029

Crypto experts are constantly analyzing the fluctuations of Nimiq. Based on their predictions, the estimated average NIM price will be around $$0.0124. It might drop to a minimum of $$0.0120, but it still might reach $$0.0140 throughout 2029.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2029$0.00843$0.00873$0.0101
February 2029$0.00875$0.00907$0.0104
March 2029$0.00908$0.00940$0.0108
April 2029$0.00940$0.00973$0.0111
May 2029$0.00973$0.0101$0.0115
June 2029$0.0101$0.0104$0.0119
July 2029$0.0104$0.0107$0.0122
August 2029$0.0107$0.0111$0.0126
September 2029$0.0110$0.0114$0.0129
October 2029$0.0114$0.0117$0.0133
November 2029$0.0117$0.0121$0.0136
December 2029$0.0120$0.0124$0.0140

Potential ROI: 833.3%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2030

Every year, cryptocurrency experts prepare forecasts for the price of Nimiq. It is estimated that NIM will be traded between $$0.0172 and $$0.0205 in 2030. Its average cost is expected at around $$0.0178 during the year.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2030$0.0124$0.0129$0.0145
February 2030$0.0129$0.0133$0.0151
March 2030$0.0133$0.0138$0.0156
April 2030$0.0137$0.0142$0.0162
May 2030$0.0142$0.0147$0.0167
June 2030$0.0146$0.0151$0.0173
July 2030$0.0150$0.0156$0.0178
August 2030$0.0155$0.0160$0.0183
September 2030$0.0159$0.0165$0.0189
October 2030$0.0163$0.0169$0.0194
November 2030$0.0168$0.0174$0.0200
December 2030$0.0172$0.0178$0.0205

Potential ROI: 1266.7%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2031

Cryptocurrency analysts are ready to announce their estimations of the Nimiq’s price. The year 2031 will be determined by the maximum NIM price of $$0.0308. However, its rate might drop to around $$0.0252. So, the expected average trading price is $$0.0261.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2031$0.0179$0.0185$0.0214
February 2031$0.0185$0.0192$0.0222
March 2031$0.0192$0.0199$0.0231
April 2031$0.0199$0.0206$0.0239
May 2031$0.0205$0.0213$0.0248
June 2031$0.0212$0.0220$0.0257
July 2031$0.0219$0.0226$0.0265
August 2031$0.0225$0.0233$0.0274
September 2031$0.0232$0.0240$0.0282
October 2031$0.0239$0.0247$0.0291
November 2031$0.0245$0.0254$0.0299
December 2031$0.0252$0.0261$0.0308

Potential ROI: 1953.3%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2032

After years of analysis of the Nimiq price, crypto experts are ready to provide their NIM cost estimation for 2032. It will be traded for at least $$0.0352, with the possible maximum peaks at $$0.0447. Therefore, on average, you can expect the NIM price to be around $$0.0365 in 2032.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2032$0.0260$0.0270$0.0320
February 2032$0.0269$0.0278$0.0331
March 2032$0.0277$0.0287$0.0343
April 2032$0.0285$0.0296$0.0354
May 2032$0.0294$0.0304$0.0366
June 2032$0.0302$0.0313$0.0378
July 2032$0.0310$0.0322$0.0389
August 2032$0.0319$0.0330$0.0401
September 2032$0.0327$0.0339$0.0412
October 2032$0.0335$0.0348$0.0424
November 2032$0.0344$0.0356$0.0435
December 2032$0.0352$0.0365$0.0447

Potential ROI: 2880%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2033

Cryptocurrency analysts are ready to announce their estimations of the Nimiq’s price. The year 2033 will be determined by the maximum NIM price of $$0.0623. However, its rate might drop to around $$0.0532. So, the expected average trading price is $$0.0546.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2033$0.0367$0.0380$0.0462
February 2033$0.0382$0.0395$0.0476
March 2033$0.0397$0.0410$0.0491
April 2033$0.0412$0.0425$0.0506
May 2033$0.0427$0.0440$0.0520
June 2033$0.0442$0.0456$0.0535
July 2033$0.0457$0.0471$0.0550
August 2033$0.0472$0.0486$0.0564
September 2033$0.0487$0.0501$0.0579
October 2033$0.0502$0.0516$0.0594
November 2033$0.0517$0.0531$0.0608
December 2033$0.0532$0.0546$0.0623

Potential ROI: 4053.3%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2040

According to the technical analysis of Nimiq prices expected in 2040, the minimum cost of Nimiq will be $$0.8917. The maximum level that the NIM price can reach is $$1.10. The average trading price is expected around $$0.9486.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2040$0.123$0.129$0.149
February 2040$0.193$0.204$0.235
March 2040$0.263$0.278$0.322
April 2040$0.333$0.353$0.408
May 2040$0.403$0.427$0.495
June 2040$0.472$0.502$0.581
July 2040$0.542$0.576$0.668
August 2040$0.612$0.651$0.754
September 2040$0.682$0.725$0.841
October 2040$0.752$0.800$0.927
November 2040$0.822$0.874$1.01
December 2040$0.892$0.949$1.10

Potential ROI: 73233.3%

Nimiq Price Prediction 2050

After the analysis of the prices of Nimiq in previous years, it is assumed that in 2050, the minimum price of Nimiq will be around $$1.18. The maximum expected NIM price may be around $$1.41. On average, the trading price might be $$1.24 in 2050.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2050$0.916$0.973$1.13
February 2050$0.940$0.997$1.15
March 2050$0.964$1.02$1.18
April 2050$0.988$1.05$1.20
May 2050$1.01$1.07$1.23
June 2050$1.04$1.09$1.26
July 2050$1.06$1.12$1.28
August 2050$1.08$1.14$1.31
September 2050$1.11$1.17$1.33
October 2050$1.13$1.19$1.36
November 2050$1.16$1.22$1.38
December 2050$1.18$1.24$1.41

Potential ROI: 93900%
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Nimiq Cryptocurrency Basics​

Nimiq platform is decentralized and resistant to the censorship payment system. NIM coin is used as an internal cryptocurrency which users can transfer and store. The users can connect the Nimiq blockchain right from their web-browser. This part makes the Nimiq project extremely user-friendly. The user experience is on the high level due to the unique feature that just works.

Nimiq development team are firmly sure that cryptocurrencies should be accessible for an ordinary user. This thought can widespread digital money ideas faster all around the world. Nimiq became a place of the ecosystem which consists of dozens of decentralized applications and other bright ideas. One such idea is Nimiq Safe, a wallet that doesn’t require installing the whole blockchain.

Nimiq mainnet was launched in April 2018. The development team published the code on GitHub, so it’s easy to make comments or contribute to the project. The system previously used the PoW algorithm. However, with the launch of Nimiq 2.0, developers switched to the PoS, named Albatross. One significant advantage of Proof of Stake is reduced energy consumption.

There are two types of clients in the system: backbone and browser. Backbone clients do an uplifting and secure work while browser clients are making Nimiq native to the net.

the schemes of two blockchains: nimiq and any other

The Nimiq Network has a supply of 21B of NIM. The tokens are distributed as follows:

  • 88% Validators Reward (mined over ~100 years)
  • 5% Token Sale Contributors
  • 2.5% Long-Term Project Endowment Foundation (10-year vesting)
  • 2% Good Cause Partnerships and Sponsorships (10-year vesting)
  • 1.5% Early Contributors (6-month vesting)
  • 1% Creators (3-year vesting)
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The post Nimiq Price Prediction appeared first on Cryptocurrency News & Trading Tips – Crypto Blog by Changelly.

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