It has come to my attention that 2024 was not just a difficult year for myself but for MANY. My theory is that the people I'm surrounded by are all simultaneously going through their Saturn's Return, but I digress. This had me thinking, "You know what, I should share the memes that comforted me through these tough times this year." Only recently have I been able to finally start to see that small spark of light at the end of the tunnel, and I am here to tell you it IS all survivable. Can you believe it? I definitely didn't think that earlier this year, and yet here I am, with a smile across my face, so excited to see what the future has in store for me. Back in March, I was making meme lists like THIS… So, you can kind of get a picture of where I was. And now I am bringing you memes that are both HILARIOUS and also inspiring you to keep on keeping on. You got this, bestie!